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Abstraction is one of the four fundamental principles of object-oriented programming (OOP) in C#. It is the process of exposing only the essential features of an object while hiding the complex implementation details. Abstraction allows developers to manage complexity by simplifying interactions with objects. This tutorial covers the basics of abstraction, abstract classes, interfaces, and best practices for using abstraction in C#.

1. Understanding Abstraction

Abstraction focuses on hiding the complex implementation details of an object and exposing only the necessary features. It helps in reducing programming complexity and effort. In C#, abstraction can be achieved using abstract classes and interfaces.

2. Abstract Classes

An abstract class is a class that cannot be instantiated. It is used as a base class and provides a common definition of a base class that multiple derived classes can share. Abstract classes can contain abstract methods, which are methods without implementation, and the derived classes must provide implementations for these methods.

            namespace AbstractionExamples;

// Abstract base class
abstract class Shape
    // Abstract method (no implementation)
    public abstract void Draw();

    // Concrete method (has implementation)
    public void Display()
        Console.WriteLine("Displaying the shape.");

// Derived class
class Circle : Shape
    public override void Draw()
        Console.WriteLine("Drawing a circle.");

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        Circle circle = new Circle();
        circle.Draw();    // Output: Drawing a circle.
        circle.Display(); // Output: Displaying the shape.

3. Interfaces

An interface defines a contract that implementing classes must adhere to. Interfaces can only contain method signatures and properties, but no implementation. A class or struct that implements an interface must implement all its members.

            namespace InheritanceExamples;

// Define an interface
interface IFlyable
    void Fly();

// Implement the interface in a class
class Bird : IFlyable
    public string Name { get; set; }

    public void Fly()
        Console.WriteLine($"{Name} is flying.");

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        Bird bird = new Bird { Name = "Sparrow" };
        bird.Fly(); // Output: Sparrow is flying.

4. Abstract Classes vs. Interfaces

Abstract classes and interfaces are both used to achieve abstraction, but they have some key differences:

5. Best Practices for Abstraction


Abstraction is a powerful concept in C# that helps manage complexity by exposing only the necessary features of an object while hiding the implementation details. By understanding abstract classes, interfaces, and best practices, you can effectively use abstraction to build robust and maintainable applications.