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Delegates in C# are a powerful feature that allows you to encapsulate a reference to a method inside a delegate object. This enables methods to be passed as parameters, which is essential for designing extensible and flexible applications.

1. Understanding Delegates

A delegate is a type that represents references to methods with a specific parameter list and return type. Delegates are similar to function pointers in C++, but they are type-safe and secure.


public delegate returnType DelegateName(parameterList);

2. Defining and Using Delegates

To define a delegate, you use the delegate keyword, followed by a return type and a parameter list. After defining a delegate, you can create instances of it and pass methods that match its signature.

            namespace DelegateExamples;

// Define a delegate
public delegate void PrintDelegate(string message);

class Program
    // Method that matches the delegate signature
    public static void PrintMessage(string message)

    static void Main(string[] args)
        // Instantiate the delegate
        PrintDelegate print = PrintMessage;
        // Call the delegate
        print("Hello, Delegates!");

3. Multicast Delegates

Delegates in C# can be multicast, meaning a single delegate can point to multiple methods. When the delegate is invoked, all methods it points to are called in sequence.

            namespace DelegateExamples;

// Define a delegate
public delegate void Notify();

class Program
    // Methods that match the delegate signature
    public static void NotifyByEmail()
        Console.WriteLine("Notification sent by Email.");

    public static void NotifyBySMS()
        Console.WriteLine("Notification sent by SMS.");

    static void Main(string[] args)
        // Instantiate the delegate and add methods to it
        Notify notify = NotifyByEmail;
        notify += NotifyBySMS;
        // Call the multicast delegate

4. Anonymous Methods

Anonymous methods provide a way to create inline delegate instances without needing to declare a separate method. They are useful for short operations that are only needed once.

            namespace DelegateExamples;

// Define a delegate
public delegate void PrintDelegate(string message);

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        // Instantiate the delegate with an anonymous method
        PrintDelegate print = delegate (string message)
        // Call the delegate
        print("Hello, Anonymous Methods!");

5. Lambda Expressions

Lambda expressions are a more concise way to write anonymous methods. They are commonly used with delegates and are a core feature of LINQ (Language Integrated Query).

            namespace DelegateExamples;

// Define a delegate
public delegate void PrintDelegate(string message);

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        // Instantiate the delegate with a lambda expression
        PrintDelegate print = (message) => Console.WriteLine(message);
        // Call the delegate
        print("Hello, Lambda Expressions!");

6. Delegates vs. Interfaces

While both delegates and interfaces allow you to define method contracts, they serve different purposes. Delegates are best used for defining callback methods, event handling, and scenarios where you need to pass methods as parameters. Interfaces are used to define a contract for implementing classes.

7. Advantages of Delegates


Delegates in C# provide a versatile mechanism for referencing and invoking methods, supporting a wide range of programming paradigms and design patterns. Understanding and utilizing delegates can significantly enhance the flexibility and maintainability of your code.