HTML Symbols

HTML symbols, also known as character entities, are used to display special characters that are not easily typed on a keyboard or are reserved in HTML. These symbols can represent characters, reserved HTML characters, mathematical symbols, currency symbols, and more.

Common HTML Symbols

Here are some commonly used HTML symbols and their corresponding character entities:

Symbol Entity Name Entity Number Description Example
& & & Ampersand
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< &lt; &#60; Less Than
> &gt; &#62; Greater Than
" &quot; &#34; Double Quote
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' &apos; &#39; Single Quote
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© &copy; &#169; Copyright
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® &reg; &#174; Registered Trademark
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  &nbsp; &#160; Non-Breaking Space
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&euro; &#8364; Euro
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£ &pound; &#163; Pound
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¥ &yen; &#165; Yen
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¢ &cent; &#162; Cent
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§ &sect; &#167; Section
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&trade; &#8482; Trademark
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&larr; &#8592; Left Arrow
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&rarr; &#8594; Right Arrow
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&uarr; &#8593; Up Arrow
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&darr; &#8595; Down Arrow
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