Here‘s a comprehensive table of commonly used HTML tags, including their start tag, end tag, requirement of a closing tag, and a short explanation

Start Tag Required End Tag Required Explanation
<html> Yes </html> YesDefines the root of an HTML document
<head> Yes </head> YesContains metadata about the HTML document
<title> Yes </title> Yes Defines the title of the document
<body> Yes </body> Yes Contains the visible content of the document
<h1> - <h6> Yes </h1> - </h6> Yes Defines headings of different levels
<p> Yes </p> Yes Defines a paragraph of text
<a> Yes </a> Yes Creates a hyperlink to another web page or resource
<img> Yes </img> Yes Embeds an image in the document
<div> Yes </div> Yes Defines a division or section in an HTML document
<span> Yes </span> Yes Defines a container for inline elements
<ul> Yes </ul> Yes Creates an unordered list
<ol> Yes </ol> Yes Creates an ordered list
<li> Yes </li> Yes Defines a list item
<table> Yes </table> Yes Creates a table structure
<tr> Yes </tr> Yes Defines a row in a table
<td> Yes </td> Yes Defines a cell in a table
<form> Yes </form> Yes Creates a form for user input
<input> Yes </input> Yes Creates an input control within a form
<button> Yes </button> Yes Creates a clickable button
<header> Yes </header> Yes Represents the header of a document or section
<nav> Yes </nav> Yes Defines a navigation section
<aside> Yes </aside> Yes Represents content that is tangentially related to the main content
<section> Yes </section> Yes Defines a section within a document
<footer> Yes </footer> Yes Represents the footer of a document or section
<blockquote> Yes </blockquote> Yes Indicates a block of quoted text
<strong> Yes </strong> Yes Represents important or emphasized text
<em> Yes </em> Yes Represents emphasized text
<code> Yes </code> Yes Represents a fragment of computer code
<pre> Yes </pre> Yes Preserves whitespace and line breaks in preformatted text
<hr> Yes </hr> Yes Inserts a horizontal rule
<pre> Yes </pre> Yes Inserts a line break