ASP.NET Core 8 Web API -


Testing is a critical part of software development, ensuring that your application functions correctly and reliably. This guide provides a comprehensive overview of testing ASP.NET Core 8 Web API, covering unit testing, integration testing, and best practices.

1. Introduction to Testing

Testing your Web API helps ensure that it behaves as expected and can handle various scenarios. This includes verifying individual components (unit testing) and the entire system's behavior (integration testing).

Why Testing is Important:

2. Setting Up the Test Project

To start testing your ASP.NET Core 8 Web API, create a new test project in your solution.

            dotnet new xunit -n WebApiTests
dotnet add WebApiTests/WebApiTests.csproj reference YourApiProject/YourApiProject.csproj

3. Unit Testing

Unit testing involves testing individual components (e.g., methods, classes) in isolation. For ASP.NET Core Web API, this typically means testing controllers and services.

3.1 Adding Unit Test Frameworks

Install the necessary NuGet packages for xUnit and Moq.

            dotnet add WebApiTests package xunit
dotnet add WebApiTests package Moq
dotnet add WebApiTests package Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Testing

3.2 Testing Controllers

Create a test class for your ProductsController.

using Xunit;
using Moq;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using YourApiProject.Controllers;
using YourApiProject.Services;

public class ProductsControllerTests
    private readonly Mock<IProductsService> _mockService;
    private readonly ProductsController _controller;

    public ProductsControllerTests()
        _mockService = new Mock<IProductsService>();
        _controller = new ProductsController(_mockService.Object);

    public void GetProducts_ReturnsOkResult()
        // Arrange
        _mockService.Setup(service => service.GetProducts()).Returns(new List<string> { 'Product1', 'Product2' });

        // Act
        var result = _controller.GetProducts();

        // Assert
        var okResult = Assert.IsType<OkObjectResult>(result);
        var products = Assert.IsType<List<string>>(okResult.Value);
        Assert.Equal(2, products.Count);


3.3 Testing Services

Create a test class for your ProductsService.

using Xunit;
using YourApiProject.Services;

public class ProductsServiceTests
    private readonly ProductsService _service;

    public ProductsServiceTests()
        _service = new ProductsService();

    public void GetProducts_ReturnsProductList()
        // Act
        var result = _service.GetProducts();

        // Assert
        Assert.Equal(2, result.Count);


4. Integration Testing

Integration testing involves testing the entire system, including how components interact with each other.

4.1 Setting Up Integration Tests

Create a test class for integration tests.

using Xunit;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Testing;
using YourApiProject;

public class ProductsApiIntegrationTests : IClassFixture<WebApplicationFactory<Startup>>
    private readonly HttpClient _client;

    public ProductsApiIntegrationTests(WebApplicationFactory<Startup> factory)
        _client = factory.CreateClient();

    public async Task GetProducts_ReturnsOkResponse()
        // Act
        var response = await _client.GetAsync('/api/products');

        // Assert
        var products = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
        Assert.Contains('Product1', products);


4.2 Testing with In-Memory Database

For more complex scenarios, use an in-memory database to test database interactions.

using Xunit;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
using YourApiProject;
using YourApiProject.Services;

public class ProductsServiceIntegrationTests
    private readonly ProductsService _service;
    private readonly YourDbContext _context;

    public ProductsServiceIntegrationTests()
        var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<YourDbContext>()
            .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: 'TestDatabase')

        _context = new YourDbContext(options);
        _service = new ProductsService(_context);

        // Seed data
        _context.Products.AddRange(new List<Product>
            new Product { Id = 1, Name = 'Product1' },
            new Product { Id = 2, Name = 'Product2' }

    public void GetProducts_ReturnsAllProducts()
        // Act
        var products = _service.GetProducts();

        // Assert
        Assert.Equal(2, products.Count());


5. Mocking Dependencies

Mocking is essential for isolating components during testing. Moq is a popular library for creating mock objects in .NET.

5.1 Mocking with Moq


using Xunit;
using Moq;
using YourApiProject.Controllers;
using YourApiProject.Services;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;

public class ProductsControllerTests
    private readonly Mock<IProductsService> _mockService;
    private readonly ProductsController _controller;

    public ProductsControllerTests()
        _mockService = new Mock<IProductsService>();
        _controller = new ProductsController(_mockService.Object);

    public void GetProduct_ReturnsProductById()
        // Arrange
        _mockService.Setup(service => service.GetProductById(1)).Returns('Product1');

        // Act
        var result = _controller.GetProduct(1);

        // Assert
        var okResult = Assert.IsType<OkObjectResult>(result);
        var product = Assert.IsType<string>(okResult.Value);
        Assert.Equal('Product1', product);


6. Testing Best Practices

7. Comprehensive Example

Below is a comprehensive example that demonstrates setting up and testing an ASP.NET Core 8 Web API project.

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using YourApiProject.Services;

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);

// Add services to the container
builder.Services.AddScoped<IProductsService, ProductsService>();

var app = builder.Build();



using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using YourApiProject.Services;

/// <summary>
/// Products controller to manage product operations
/// </summary>
public class ProductsController : ControllerBase
    private readonly IProductsService _service;

    public ProductsController(IProductsService service)
        _service = service;

    /// <summary>
    /// Gets all products
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>List of products</returns>
    public IActionResult GetProducts()
        var products = _service.GetProducts();
        return Ok(products);

    /// <summary>
    /// Gets a product by ID
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name='id'>Product ID</param>
    /// <returns>The product with the specified ID</returns>
    public IActionResult GetProduct(int id)
        var product = _service.GetProductById(id);
        if (product == null)
            return NotFound();
        return Ok(product);

    /// <summary>
    /// Creates a new product
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name='product'>The product to create</param>
    /// <returns>Confirmation of product creation</returns>
    public IActionResult CreateProduct([FromBody] string product)
        return CreatedAtAction(nameof(GetProduct), new { id = 1 }, product);


IProductsService and ProductsService:
using System.Collections.Generic;

public interface IProductsService
    List<string> GetProducts();
    string GetProductById(int id);
    void CreateProduct(string product);

public class ProductsService : IProductsService
    private readonly List<string> _products = new List<string> { 'Product1', 'Product2' };

    public List<string> GetProducts()
        return _products;

    public string GetProductById(int id)
        return _products.ElementAtOrDefault(id - 1);

    public void CreateProduct(string product)


using Xunit;
using Moq;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using YourApiProject.Controllers;
using YourApiProject.Services;

public class ProductsControllerTests
    private readonly Mock<IProductsService> _mockService;
    private readonly ProductsController _controller;

    public ProductsControllerTests()
        _mockService = new Mock<IProductsService>();
        _controller = new ProductsController(_mockService.Object);

    public void GetProducts_ReturnsOkResult()
        // Arrange
        _mockService.Setup(service => service.GetProducts()).Returns(new List<string> { 'Product1', 'Product2' });

        // Act
        var result = _controller.GetProducts();

        // Assert
        var okResult = Assert.IsType<OkObjectResult>(result);
        var products = Assert.IsType<List<string>>(okResult.Value);
        Assert.Equal(2, products.Count);

    public void GetProduct_ReturnsProductById()
        // Arrange
        _mockService.Setup(service => service.GetProductById(1)).Returns('Product1');

        // Act
        var result = _controller.GetProduct(1);

        // Assert
        var okResult = Assert.IsType<OkObjectResult>(result);
        var product = Assert.IsType<string>(okResult.Value);
        Assert.Equal('Product1', product);


using Xunit;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Testing;
using YourApiProject;

public class ProductsApiIntegrationTests : IClassFixture<WebApplicationFactory<Startup>>
    private readonly HttpClient _client;

    public ProductsApiIntegrationTests(WebApplicationFactory<Startup> factory)
        _client = factory.CreateClient();

    public async Task GetProducts_ReturnsOkResponse()
        // Act
        var response = await _client.GetAsync('/api/products');

        // Assert
        var products = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
        Assert.Contains('Product1', products);



Testing is a vital aspect of developing reliable and maintainable ASP.NET Core 8 Web APIs. By implementing unit tests, integration tests, and following best practices, you can ensure your API behaves correctly and handles various scenarios. This comprehensive guide provides the tools and knowledge to effectively test your ASP.NET Core 8 Web API projects.