EF Core - Best Practices

What Are the Best Practices for EF Core?

Best practices in EF Core encompass a set of guidelines and strategies that help developers build efficient, maintainable, and high-performing applications. These practices cover various aspects of development, including performance optimization, data consistency, security, and maintainability.

1. Optimize LINQ Queries

Writing efficient LINQ queries is crucial for performance optimization in EF Core. Use methods like AsNoTracking for read-only queries to improve performance and reduce memory usage.

// Best practices for optimizing LINQ queries in EF Core
// Use AsNoTracking for read-only queries

public class LinqQueryOptimization
    private readonly ApplicationDbContext _context;

    public LinqQueryOptimization(ApplicationDbContext context)
        _context = context;

    public List<Product> GetProducts()
        return _context.Products
            .Where(p => p.Price > 100)


This example demonstrates best practices for optimizing LINQ queries in EF Core.

2. Use Asynchronous Methods

Leveraging asynchronous methods in EF Core can improve the responsiveness of your application, especially in web applications where asynchronous I/O operations are common.

// Using asynchronous methods in EF Core
// Improve responsiveness with async queries

public class AsyncMethodsExample
    private readonly ApplicationDbContext _context;

    public AsyncMethodsExample(ApplicationDbContext context)
        _context = context;

    public async Task<List<Order>> GetOrdersAsync()
        return await _context.Orders.ToListAsync();


This example illustrates how to use asynchronous methods effectively in EF Core.

3. Manage DbContext Lifetime

Properly managing the lifetime of your DbContext instances is essential to avoid memory leaks and ensure data consistency. Use dependency injection to manage DbContext lifetime in ASP.NET Core applications.

// Managing DbContext lifetime in EF Core
// Use dependency injection for lifetime management

public class DbContextLifetimeExample
    private readonly ApplicationDbContext _context;

    public DbContextLifetimeExample(ApplicationDbContext context)
        _context = context;

    public void PerformDatabaseOperations()
        // Use _context for database operations


This example shows best practices for managing DbContext lifetime in EF Core.

4. Configure Connection Strings Securely

Securely configure your database connection strings to prevent sensitive information from being exposed. Use environment variables or secure configuration management tools to store connection strings.

// Configuring connection strings securely in EF Core
// Use environment variables for sensitive data

public class ConnectionStringsExample
    public void ConfigureConnection()
        var connectionString = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("DB_CONNECTION_STRING");
        Console.WriteLine($"Connection String: {connectionString}");


This example provides best practices for configuring connection strings securely in EF Core.

5. Use Migrations for Database Changes

Use EF Core migrations to manage database schema changes. This ensures that your database schema is consistent with your application's data model and helps avoid manual database updates.

// Using migrations for database changes in EF Core
// Manage schema changes with migrations

public class MigrationsExample
    public void ApplyMigrations()
        using (var context = new ApplicationDbContext())


This example demonstrates how to use migrations for managing database changes in EF Core.

6. Handle Concurrency Conflicts

Implement strategies to handle concurrency conflicts in EF Core to ensure data consistency and prevent data loss. Use optimistic concurrency control with concurrency tokens to manage conflicts.

// Handling concurrency conflicts in EF Core
// Use optimistic concurrency control

public class ConcurrencyConflictsExample
    private readonly ApplicationDbContext _context;

    public ConcurrencyConflictsExample(ApplicationDbContext context)
        _context = context;

    public void HandleConflict(Order order)
        catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException)
            Console.WriteLine("Concurrency conflict detected.");


This example shows how to handle concurrency conflicts in EF Core.

7. Optimize Performance with Compiled Queries

Use compiled queries to optimize the performance of frequently executed queries in EF Core. Compiled queries can significantly reduce query execution time by caching query plans.

// Optimizing performance with compiled queries in EF Core
// Use compiled queries for frequently executed queries

public class CompiledQueriesExample
    private static readonly Func<ApplicationDbContext, decimal, IEnumerable<Product>> _getProductsQuery =
        EF.CompileQuery((ApplicationDbContext context, decimal price) =>
            context.Products.Where(p => p.Price > price));

    public IEnumerable<Product> GetProducts(ApplicationDbContext context, decimal price)
        return _getProductsQuery(context, price);


This example illustrates how to optimize performance with compiled queries in EF Core.

8. Implement Data Seeding

Use data seeding to populate your database with initial data during migration. Data seeding ensures that your application has the necessary data to function correctly after deployment.

// Implementing data seeding in EF Core
// Populate database with initial data

public class DataSeedingExample
    public static void SeedData(ApplicationDbContext context)
        if (!context.Products.Any())
                new Product { Name = "Product1", Price = 100 },
                new Product { Name = "Product2", Price = 200 }


This example demonstrates how to implement data seeding in EF Core.

9. Use Lazy Loading Judiciously

While lazy loading can simplify data retrieval, it can also lead to performance issues if not used carefully. Use lazy loading judiciously and consider eager loading or explicit loading for complex queries.

// Best practices for using lazy loading in EF Core
// Use lazy loading carefully to avoid performance issues

public class LazyLoadingExample
    private readonly ApplicationDbContext _context;

    public LazyLoadingExample(ApplicationDbContext context)
        _context = context;

    public void LoadRelatedData(Order order)
        Console.WriteLine($"Order: {order.OrderId}, Customer: {order.Customer.Name}");


This example provides best practices for using lazy loading in EF Core.

10. Leverage Eager Loading for Related Data

Eager loading can improve performance by retrieving related data in a single query, reducing the number of database round trips. Use the Include method to specify related data to load.

// Leveraging eager loading for related data in EF Core
// Use Include method to load related data

public class EagerLoadingExample
    private readonly ApplicationDbContext _context;

    public EagerLoadingExample(ApplicationDbContext context)
        _context = context;

    public List<Order> GetOrdersWithDetails()
        return _context.Orders
            .Include(o => o.OrderDetails)


This example illustrates how to leverage eager loading for related data in EF Core.

11. Avoid Common Pitfalls in LINQ Queries

Be aware of common pitfalls in LINQ queries, such as using client-side evaluation or executing multiple queries for related data. Optimize LINQ queries to run efficiently on the server.

// Avoiding common pitfalls in LINQ queries in EF Core
// Optimize queries to run efficiently on the server

public class LinqPitfallsExample
    private readonly ApplicationDbContext _context;

    public LinqPitfallsExample(ApplicationDbContext context)
        _context = context;

    public List<Customer> GetCustomers()
        return _context.Customers
            .Where(c => c.Orders.Count > 0) // Avoid client-side evaluation


This example highlights common pitfalls in LINQ queries and how to avoid them in EF Core.

12. Use Change Tracking Efficiently

EF Core uses change tracking to detect changes in your entities. Use the AsNoTracking method for read-only queries to disable change tracking and improve performance.

// Using change tracking efficiently in EF Core
// Use AsNoTracking for read-only queries

public class ChangeTrackingExample
    private readonly ApplicationDbContext _context;

    public ChangeTrackingExample(ApplicationDbContext context)
        _context = context;

    public List<Product> GetProducts()
        return _context.Products.AsNoTracking().ToList();


This example demonstrates how to use change tracking efficiently in EF Core.

13. Implement Data Encryption

Implement data encryption to protect sensitive data stored in your database. Use encryption libraries or database features to encrypt data at rest and in transit.

// Implementing data encryption in EF Core
// Encrypt sensitive data in the database

public class DataEncryptionExample
    public void EncryptData()
        // Example of encrypting data
        Console.WriteLine("Encrypting sensitive data in the database.");


This example illustrates how to implement data encryption in EF Core.

14. Use Transactions for Consistency

Use transactions to ensure data consistency and integrity during complex operations. Transactions help maintain a consistent state in the database in case of errors or failures.

// Using transactions for consistency in EF Core
// Ensure data consistency with transactions

public class TransactionsExample
    private readonly ApplicationDbContext _context;

    public TransactionsExample(ApplicationDbContext context)
        _context = context;

    public void PerformTransaction()
        using (var transaction = _context.Database.BeginTransaction())
                // Perform database operations


This example shows how to use transactions for consistency in EF Core.

15. Optimize Database Schema

Regularly optimize your database schema to improve performance and reduce resource consumption. Use indexing, normalization, and other techniques to optimize schema design.

// Optimizing your database schema in EF Core
// Use indexing and normalization for optimization

public class DatabaseSchemaOptimization
    public void OptimizeSchema()
        // Example of optimizing database schema
        Console.WriteLine("Optimizing database schema with indexing and normalization.");


This example demonstrates how to optimize your database schema in EF Core.

16. Leverage Logging and Diagnostics

Use logging and diagnostics tools to monitor the performance of your EF Core applications. Leveraging these tools helps identify performance bottlenecks and diagnose issues quickly.

// Leveraging logging and diagnostics in EF Core
// Monitor performance and diagnose issues

public class LoggingDiagnosticsExample
    private readonly ILogger<LoggingDiagnosticsExample> _logger;

    public LoggingDiagnosticsExample(ILogger<LoggingDiagnosticsExample> logger)
        _logger = logger;

    public void LogQueryPerformance()
        _logger.LogInformation("Monitoring query performance.");


This example illustrates how to leverage logging and diagnostics in EF Core.

17. Use Value Conversions for Complex Types

Use value conversions to map complex types to simpler database-supported types. This allows for more flexible data modeling and reduces complexity in database design.

// Using value conversions for complex types in EF Core
// Map complex types to simpler database-supported types

public class ValueConversionsExample
    public void ConfigureConversions(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
            .Property(o => o.Status)
            .HasConversion<string>(); // Convert enum to string


This example demonstrates how to use value conversions for complex types in EF Core.

18. Implement Soft Deletes

Implement soft deletes to avoid permanently removing data from the database. Use a boolean flag or a deletion timestamp to indicate soft deletion, which allows data recovery if needed.

// Implementing soft deletes in EF Core
// Avoid permanently removing data from the database

public class SoftDeletesExample
    private readonly ApplicationDbContext _context;

    public SoftDeletesExample(ApplicationDbContext context)
        _context = context;

    public void SoftDelete(Order order)
        order.IsDeleted = true;


This example shows how to implement soft deletes in EF Core.

19. Use Auditing to Track Changes

Implement auditing to track changes made to your data, providing a history of modifications for security and compliance purposes. Use EF Core's change tracking and events to capture audit data.

// Using auditing to track changes in EF Core
// Capture a history of modifications for compliance

public class AuditingExample
    private readonly ApplicationDbContext _context;

    public AuditingExample(ApplicationDbContext context)
        _context = context;

    public void CaptureAuditTrail(Order order)
        // Example of capturing audit trail for an order
        Console.WriteLine($"Order {order.OrderId} was modified.");


This example demonstrates how to use auditing to track changes in EF Core.

20. Optimize Network Traffic with Batching

Optimize network traffic by batching operations to reduce the number of round trips to the database. Use EF Core's batch processing capabilities to execute multiple commands in a single batch.

// Optimizing network traffic with batching in EF Core
// Reduce round trips to the database

public class NetworkTrafficOptimization
    private readonly ApplicationDbContext _context;

    public NetworkTrafficOptimization(ApplicationDbContext context)
        _context = context;

    public void BatchOperations()
        _context.Orders.BatchUpdate(o => new Order { Status = OrderStatus.Completed });


This example illustrates how to optimize network traffic with batching in EF Core.

21. Secure Data Access with Role-Based Authorization

Implement role-based authorization to secure data access and ensure that only authorized users can perform specific operations. Use policies and roles to control access to data and actions.

// Securing data access with role-based authorization in EF Core
// Control access to data with policies and roles

public class DataAccessAuthorization
    public void AuthorizeDataAccess()
        // Example of securing data access with role-based authorization
        Console.WriteLine("Authorizing data access based on user roles.");


This example shows how to secure data access with role-based authorization in EF Core.

22. Use Dependency Injection for Flexibility

Leverage dependency injection to decouple your application components, making them more flexible and easier to test. Use dependency injection to inject DbContext and other services into your classes.

// Using dependency injection for flexibility in EF Core
// Decouple application components for testing

public class DependencyInjectionExample
    private readonly ApplicationDbContext _context;

    public DependencyInjectionExample(ApplicationDbContext context)
        _context = context;

    public void PerformOperations()
        // Use _context for database operations


This example illustrates how to use dependency injection for flexibility in EF Core.

23. Implement Unit Testing for Data Access Code

Write unit tests for your data access code to ensure that it behaves as expected. Use in-memory providers or mock frameworks to test your EF Core data access layer without hitting the actual database.

// Implementing unit testing for data access code in EF Core
// Test data access layer with in-memory providers

public class UnitTestingExample
    private readonly ApplicationDbContext _context;

    public UnitTestingExample(ApplicationDbContext context)
        _context = context;

    public void TestGetOrders()
        var orders = _context.Orders.ToList();
        // Perform assertions on orders


This example demonstrates how to implement unit testing for data access code in EF Core.

24. Use Distributed Caching for Scalability

Implement distributed caching to improve scalability and reduce database load in high-traffic applications. Use caching frameworks like Redis or Memcached to cache query results and frequently accessed data.

// Using distributed caching for scalability in EF Core
// Improve scalability and reduce database load

public class DistributedCachingExample
    private readonly IDistributedCache _cache;

    public DistributedCachingExample(IDistributedCache cache)
        _cache = cache;

    public async Task CacheDataAsync(string key, string value)
        await _cache.SetStringAsync(key, value);


This example illustrates how to use distributed caching for scalability in EF Core.

25. Stay Updated with EF Core Versions

Regularly update your applications to the latest EF Core versions to take advantage of new features, performance improvements, and security patches. Staying updated ensures your applications remain secure and efficient.

// Staying updated with the latest EF Core versions
// Take advantage of new features and performance improvements

public class UpdateExample
    public void CheckForUpdates()
        // Example of checking for EF Core updates
        Console.WriteLine("Checking for EF Core updates to stay current.");


This example highlights the importance of staying updated with the latest EF Core versions.