EF Core - Unit Testing

What Is Unit Testing in EF Core?

Unit testing in EF Core involves testing individual components of your application, such as repositories or services, to ensure they behave as expected. By mocking the DbContext and other dependencies, you can isolate the components and test their logic independently.

Key Concepts in EF Core Unit Testing

The following table summarizes the main concepts involved in unit testing EF Core applications:

Concept Description Purpose
Mocking DbContext Simulating the DbContext and its DbSet properties. Isolate the unit under test and control its behavior.
Test Fixtures Reusable setup code for initializing tests. Streamline test initialization and configuration.
In-Memory Database Using an in-memory database provider for testing. Test database operations without a real database.
Assertions Validating the expected outcomes of tests. Verify that code produces the correct results.

1. Introduction to Unit Testing in EF Core

Unit testing is an essential practice in software development that involves testing individual components of an application to ensure they function as expected. In EF Core applications, unit testing often requires mocking the DbContext and its DbSet properties to test business logic independently of the database.

// Introduction to unit testing in EF Core
// Verify the functionality of individual components independently
public class UserService
    private readonly IUserRepository _userRepository;

    public UserService(IUserRepository userRepository)
        _userRepository = userRepository;

    public User GetUserById(int id)
        return _userRepository.FindById(id);

// Example: Testing the UserService with a mocked repository
public class UserServiceTests
    private readonly Mock<IUserRepository> _mockRepository;
    private readonly UserService _userService;

    public UserServiceTests()
        _mockRepository = new Mock<IUserRepository>();
        _userService = new UserService(_mockRepository.Object);

    public void GetUserById_ReturnsCorrectUser()
        // Arrange
        var userId = 1;
        var expectedUser = new User { Id = userId, Name = "Test User" };
        _mockRepository.Setup(repo => repo.FindById(userId)).Returns(expectedUser);

        // Act
        var result = _userService.GetUserById(userId);

        // Assert
        Assert.Equal(expectedUser, result);


This example introduces the concept of unit testing in EF Core and its importance in ensuring code quality.

2. Setting Up a Test Project

To get started with unit testing in EF Core, you'll need to set up a test project using a testing framework like xUnit, NUnit, or MSTest. In this example, we'll use xUnit.

// Setting up a test project for EF Core unit testing
// Use a testing framework like xUnit, NUnit, or MSTest

// Example: xUnit test project setup
// Install the following NuGet packages:
// 1. xUnit
// 2. xUnit.runner.visualstudio
// 3. Moq (for mocking)
// 4. Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.InMemory (for in-memory database testing)

// Run the following command to create a test project:
dotnet new xunit -n MyProject.Tests


This example demonstrates how to set up a test project for unit testing EF Core applications.

3. Mocking the DbContext

Mocking the DbContext is a common approach to unit testing EF Core applications. It involves creating a fake implementation of the DbContext to isolate the component under test.

// Mocking DbContext for EF Core unit testing
// Use a mocking framework like Moq

// Example: Mocking DbContext and DbSet
public class MyDbContextTests
    private readonly Mock<MyDbContext> _mockDbContext;
    private readonly Mock<DbSet<User>> _mockUserSet;

    public MyDbContextTests()
        _mockDbContext = new Mock<MyDbContext>();
        _mockUserSet = new Mock<DbSet<User>>();

        // Setup DbSet in DbContext
        _mockDbContext.Setup(db => db.Users).Returns(_mockUserSet.Object);

    public void AddUser_ShouldAddUserToDbSet()
        // Arrange
        var user = new User { Id = 1, Name = "New User" };

        // Act

        // Assert
        _mockUserSet.Verify(set => set.Add(user), Times.Once);


This example shows how to mock the DbContext and its DbSet properties using a mocking framework.

4. Using an In-Memory Database

An alternative to mocking is to use an in-memory database for testing. The in-memory provider simulates a database, allowing you to test database operations without a real database.

// Using an in-memory database for EF Core unit testing
// Simulate a database without a real database instance

// Example: Configuring in-memory database
public class InMemoryDbContextFactory
    public MyDbContext CreateDbContext()
        var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<MyDbContext>()
            .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: "TestDb")

        return new MyDbContext(options);

public class UserRepositoryTests
    private readonly MyDbContext _dbContext;
    private readonly UserRepository _userRepository;

    public UserRepositoryTests()
        _dbContext = new InMemoryDbContextFactory().CreateDbContext();
        _userRepository = new UserRepository(_dbContext);

    public void AddUser_ShouldIncreaseUserCount()
        // Arrange
        var user = new User { Id = 1, Name = "New User" };

        // Act

        // Assert
        Assert.Equal(1, _dbContext.Users.Count());


This example demonstrates how to use an in-memory database provider for unit testing EF Core applications.

5. Writing Unit Tests for Repositories

Writing unit tests for repositories involves testing the data access logic to ensure it interacts with the database correctly. In this example, we'll test a simple repository class.

// Writing unit tests for a repository class in EF Core
// Test data access logic independently

// Example: Repository unit test
public class UserRepositoryTests
    private readonly Mock<MyDbContext> _mockDbContext;
    private readonly UserRepository _userRepository;

    public UserRepositoryTests()
        _mockDbContext = new Mock<MyDbContext>();
        _userRepository = new UserRepository(_mockDbContext.Object);

    public void FindUserById_ShouldReturnCorrectUser()
        // Arrange
        var userId = 1;
        var expectedUser = new User { Id = userId, Name = "Test User" };
        _mockDbContext.Setup(db => db.Users.Find(userId)).Returns(expectedUser);

        // Act
        var result = _userRepository.FindUserById(userId);

        // Assert
        Assert.Equal(expectedUser, result);


This example illustrates how to write unit tests for a repository class using a mocked DbContext or an in-memory database.

6. Testing Services with Mocked Dependencies

Testing services with mocked dependencies allows you to isolate the service logic and verify its behavior without relying on external components.

// Testing a service class with mocked dependencies
// Isolate service logic and verify behavior

// Example: Service unit test
public class UserServiceTests
    private readonly Mock<IUserRepository> _mockRepository;
    private readonly UserService _userService;

    public UserServiceTests()
        _mockRepository = new Mock<IUserRepository>();
        _userService = new UserService(_mockRepository.Object);

    public void UpdateUser_ShouldCallRepositoryUpdate()
        // Arrange
        var user = new User { Id = 1, Name = "Updated User" };

        // Act

        // Assert
        _mockRepository.Verify(repo => repo.Update(user), Times.Once);


This example shows how to test a service class with mocked dependencies, including the DbContext and other services.

7. Using Test Fixtures for Reusable Setup

Test fixtures provide a way to organize and reuse setup code across multiple tests, reducing duplication and simplifying test configuration.

// Using test fixtures for reusable setup in EF Core unit testing
// Streamline test initialization and configuration

// Example: Test fixture setup
public class UserTestFixture : IDisposable
    public MyDbContext DbContext { get; private set; }

    public UserTestFixture()
        // Initialize DbContext with in-memory database
        var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<MyDbContext>()
            .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: "TestDb")

        DbContext = new MyDbContext(options);

        // Seed initial data
        DbContext.Users.Add(new User { Id = 1, Name = "Test User" });

    public void Dispose()

public class UserServiceTests : IClassFixture<UserTestFixture>
    private readonly MyDbContext _dbContext;
    private readonly UserService _userService;

    public UserServiceTests(UserTestFixture fixture)
        _dbContext = fixture.DbContext;
        _userService = new UserService(new UserRepository(_dbContext));

    public void GetUserById_ShouldReturnUserFromFixture()
        // Act
        var user = _userService.GetUserById(1);

        // Assert
        Assert.Equal("Test User", user.Name);


This example demonstrates how to use test fixtures to streamline unit test setup and configuration.

8. Asserting Test Outcomes

Assertions are used to validate the expected outcomes of tests, ensuring that the code produces the correct results.

// Using assertions to verify test outcomes in EF Core unit testing
// Validate that code produces expected results

// Example: Assertions in unit tests
public class UserAssertionsTests
    private readonly User _user;

    public UserAssertionsTests()
        _user = new User { Id = 1, Name = "Test User" };

    public void User_ShouldHaveCorrectName()
        // Assert
        Assert.Equal("Test User", _user.Name);

    public void User_Id_ShouldBePositive()
        // Assert
        Assert.True(_user.Id > 0, "User ID should be positive.");


This example illustrates how to use assertions to verify test outcomes in EF Core unit tests.

9. Advanced Testing Techniques

Advanced testing techniques involve testing more complex scenarios, such as transactions, concurrency, and database migrations.

// Advanced testing techniques for EF Core applications
// Test transactions, concurrency, and database migrations

// Example: Testing transactions
public class TransactionTests
    private readonly MyDbContext _dbContext;

    public TransactionTests()
        _dbContext = new InMemoryDbContextFactory().CreateDbContext();

    public void SaveChanges_WithTransaction_ShouldCommitChanges()
        using (var transaction = _dbContext.Database.BeginTransaction())
            // Arrange
            var user = new User { Id = 1, Name = "Transactional User" };

            // Act

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal(1, _dbContext.Users.Count());


This example explores advanced testing techniques for EF Core applications.

10. Testing Asynchronous Methods

Testing asynchronous methods involves ensuring that asynchronous operations behave correctly and produce the expected results.

// Testing asynchronous methods in EF Core applications
// Ensure that async operations produce expected results

// Example: Async method unit test
public class AsyncUserServiceTests
    private readonly Mock<IUserRepository> _mockRepository;
    private readonly UserService _userService;

    public AsyncUserServiceTests()
        _mockRepository = new Mock<IUserRepository>();
        _userService = new UserService(_mockRepository.Object);

    public async Task GetUserByIdAsync_ShouldReturnCorrectUser()
        // Arrange
        var userId = 1;
        var expectedUser = new User { Id = userId, Name = "Async User" };
        _mockRepository.Setup(repo => repo.FindByIdAsync(userId)).ReturnsAsync(expectedUser);

        // Act
        var result = await _userService.GetUserByIdAsync(userId);

        // Assert
        Assert.Equal(expectedUser, result);


This example demonstrates how to test asynchronous methods in EF Core applications.

11. Best Practices for Unit Testing

Following best practices for unit testing helps ensure efficient and reliable tests. Consider the following guidelines:

12. Summary of Unit Testing Strategies

Unit testing is a vital practice for ensuring the quality and reliability of EF Core applications. By mocking dependencies, using in-memory databases, and following best practices, developers can create effective unit tests that verify the functionality of individual components. Understanding and applying these unit testing strategies will help you build robust applications and reduce the risk of defects in your codebase.

13. Testing with Dependency Injection

Leveraging dependency injection (DI) in unit tests allows you to inject mocked or alternative implementations of services into your tests, enhancing flexibility and control.

// Testing with dependency injection in EF Core applications
// Inject mocked or alternative implementations into tests

// Example: Configuring DI for unit testing
public class DependencyInjectionTests
    private readonly ServiceProvider _serviceProvider;

    public DependencyInjectionTests()
        // Configure services for testing
        var serviceCollection = new ServiceCollection();
        serviceCollection.AddDbContext<MyDbContext>(options =>

        // Add mocked services
        serviceCollection.AddScoped<IUserRepository, MockUserRepository>();

        _serviceProvider = serviceCollection.BuildServiceProvider();

    public void GetUserById_ShouldReturnMockedUser()
        using (var scope = _serviceProvider.CreateScope())
            var userService = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<UserService>();
            var user = userService.GetUserById(1);

            Assert.Equal("Mocked User", user.Name);


This example demonstrates how to configure dependency injection for unit testing in EF Core applications.

14. Integration Testing vs. Unit Testing

While unit testing focuses on testing individual components in isolation, integration testing involves testing the interaction between multiple components or systems. Both types of testing play crucial roles in ensuring application quality.

// Integration testing vs. unit testing in EF Core applications
// Test the interaction between multiple components or systems

// Example: Integration test setup
public class IntegrationTests
    private readonly MyDbContext _dbContext;

    public IntegrationTests()
        var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<MyDbContext>()
            .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: "IntegrationTestDb")

        _dbContext = new MyDbContext(options);

    public void CreateUser_ShouldPersistDataInDatabase()
        // Arrange
        var userService = new UserService(new UserRepository(_dbContext));
        var user = new User { Id = 1, Name = "Integration User" };

        // Act

        // Assert
        var retrievedUser = _dbContext.Users.Find(1);
        Assert.Equal("Integration User", retrievedUser.Name);


This example explores the differences between integration testing and unit testing in EF Core applications.

15. Continuous Integration and Testing

Continuous Integration (CI) involves automatically running tests whenever changes are made to the codebase. Integrating unit tests into a CI pipeline helps ensure that code changes do not introduce new defects.

// Continuous integration (CI) and testing for EF Core applications
// Automatically run tests whenever code changes

// Example: CI pipeline setup with unit tests
public class ContinuousIntegrationPipeline
    public void ConfigurePipeline()
        // Configure CI pipeline to run tests
        Console.WriteLine("Running unit tests...");
        // Execute test runner command
        var result = ExecuteCommand("dotnet test");

        if (result.ExitCode != 0)
            throw new Exception("Unit tests failed!");

    private ProcessResult ExecuteCommand(string command)
        // Execute shell command to run tests
        return new ProcessResult { ExitCode = 0 }; // Mock result for demonstration


This example illustrates how to set up a CI pipeline with unit tests for EF Core applications.

16. Summary and Conclusion

Unit testing is a critical component of modern software development, enabling developers to verify the correctness and reliability of their code. By employing effective unit testing strategies in EF Core applications, you can ensure that your application logic behaves as expected, reduce the likelihood of bugs, and facilitate easier maintenance and refactoring. Remember to incorporate unit tests as part of your development workflow and leverage tools like mocking frameworks and in-memory databases to enhance your testing capabilities.