EF Core - LINQ Queries

What Are LINQ Queries in EF Core?

LINQ (Language Integrated Query) in EF Core is a powerful feature that allows developers to perform complex queries against the database using C# syntax. LINQ provides a consistent query experience for querying various data sources, including relational databases through EF Core.

Types of LINQ Queries in EF Core

EF Core supports various types of LINQ queries that can be used to query and manipulate data. The following table summarizes the main types:

Type Description Use Case
Query Syntax Uses a SQL-like syntax for queries. When you prefer a more SQL-like approach to queries.
Method Syntax Uses method calls to express queries. When you prefer using C# methods to express queries.
Projection Selects specific fields from the data source. When you need to select only certain fields.
Filtering Applies conditions to filter the data. When you need to retrieve data based on conditions.
Sorting Orders the data in a specific order. When you need to sort data based on certain criteria.
Grouping Groups the data based on a key. When you need to group data for aggregation.

1. Introduction to LINQ Queries

LINQ queries in EF Core allow you to query data using a consistent syntax across different data sources. These queries can be written using either query syntax or method syntax, providing flexibility in how you retrieve data.

var customers = from c in _context.Customers
                where c.City == "London"
                select c;

This example introduces the concept of LINQ queries and their importance in querying data in EF Core.

2. Query Syntax

Query syntax in LINQ is similar to SQL and provides a way to write queries in a more declarative form. It is particularly useful for developers who are familiar with SQL.

var products = from p in _context.Products
               where p.Price > 100
               orderby p.Name
               select p;

This example demonstrates how to use query syntax to perform a LINQ query in EF Core.

3. Method Syntax

Method syntax in LINQ uses method calls to express queries, providing a more fluent experience for developers familiar with method chaining in C#.

var orders = _context.Orders
    .Where(o => o.OrderDate > DateTime.Today.AddDays(-30))
    .OrderByDescending(o => o.OrderDate)

This example shows how to use method syntax to perform a LINQ query in EF Core.

4. Selecting Data with Projection

Projection in LINQ allows you to select specific fields or transform data into a new shape. This is useful for retrieving only the necessary data and reducing the amount of data transferred.

var customerNames = _context.Customers
    .Select(c => new { c.CustomerId, c.Name })

This example illustrates how to use projection to select specific fields in a LINQ query in EF Core.

5. Filtering Data with Where

The `Where` clause in LINQ is used to filter data based on specific conditions, allowing you to retrieve only the data that meets certain criteria.

var highValueOrders = _context.Orders
    .Where(o => o.TotalAmount > 1000)

This example demonstrates how to use the `Where` clause to filter data in a LINQ query in EF Core.

6. Sorting Data with OrderBy

The `OrderBy` clause in LINQ is used to sort data in ascending or descending order based on a specified key. Sorting helps in organizing data in a meaningful way.

var sortedProducts = _context.Products
    .OrderBy(p => p.Name)
    .ThenByDescending(p => p.Price)

This example shows how to use the `OrderBy` clause to sort data in a LINQ query in EF Core.

7. Grouping Data with GroupBy

The `GroupBy` clause in LINQ is used to group data based on a key, allowing you to perform aggregation operations on grouped data.

var ordersByCustomer = _context.Orders
    .GroupBy(o => o.CustomerId)
    .Select(g => new { CustomerId = g.Key, OrderCount = g.Count() })

This example illustrates how to use the `GroupBy` clause to group data in a LINQ query in EF Core.

8. Joining Data with Join

The `Join` clause in LINQ is used to combine data from two or more tables based on a related key, allowing you to perform complex queries that involve multiple tables.

var orderDetails = from o in _context.Orders
                   join c in _context.Customers on o.CustomerId equals c.CustomerId
                   select new { o.OrderId, o.OrderDate, CustomerName = c.Name };

This example demonstrates how to use the `Join` clause to join data in a LINQ query in EF Core.

9. Aggregating Data with Aggregate Functions

LINQ provides several aggregate functions such as `Count`, `Sum`, `Average`, `Min`, and `Max` to perform calculations on data.

var totalSales = _context.Orders.Sum(o => o.TotalAmount);
var maxOrderAmount = _context.Orders.Max(o => o.TotalAmount);
var averageOrderAmount = _context.Orders.Average(o => o.TotalAmount);

This example shows how to use aggregate functions to perform calculations in a LINQ query in EF Core.

10. Paging Data with Skip and Take

The `Skip` and `Take` methods in LINQ are used to implement paging, allowing you to retrieve a subset of data for pagination purposes.

var pagedCustomers = _context.Customers
    .OrderBy(c => c.CustomerId)

This example illustrates how to use `Skip` and `Take` for paging in a LINQ query in EF Core.

11. Combining Queries with Union

The `Union` method in LINQ is used to combine the results of two queries, returning a distinct set of results from both queries.

var employees = _context.Employees.Select(e => e.Name);
var contractors = _context.Contractors.Select(c => c.Name);
var allWorkers = employees.Union(contractors).ToList();

This example demonstrates how to use the `Union` method to combine queries in LINQ in EF Core.

12. Handling Null Values with Coalesce

The `Coalesce` operator (`??`) in LINQ is used to handle null values by providing a default value if the original value is null. This is particularly useful when dealing with nullable fields in the database and you want to ensure that null values are replaced with meaningful defaults in your query results.

var customerNames = _context.Customers
    .Select(c => c.Name ?? "Unknown")

This example demonstrates how to use the `Coalesce` operator to handle null values in a LINQ query in EF Core.

13. Asynchronous LINQ Queries

Asynchronous LINQ queries use async methods such as `ToListAsync`, `FirstOrDefaultAsync`, and `SingleOrDefaultAsync` to execute queries asynchronously, improving application responsiveness.

var recentOrders = await _context.Orders
    .Where(o => o.OrderDate > DateTime.Today.AddDays(-7))

This example illustrates how to perform asynchronous LINQ queries in EF Core.

14. Executing Raw SQL Queries

EF Core allows you to execute raw SQL queries using methods like `FromSqlRaw` and `ExecuteSqlRaw`, providing flexibility for complex queries that are difficult to express with LINQ.

var customers = _context.Customers
    .FromSqlRaw("SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE City = 'London'")

This example demonstrates how to execute raw SQL queries in EF Core using LINQ.

15. Using LINQ with EF Core 8 Features

EF Core 8 introduces new features and improvements for LINQ queries, providing more options for querying and manipulating data efficiently.

var topCustomers = _context.Customers
    .OrderByDescending(c => c.Orders.Count)

This example highlights the new LINQ features in EF Core 8.

16. Optimizing LINQ Queries for Performance

Optimizing LINQ queries involves using techniques such as limiting the data retrieved, using projections, and avoiding unnecessary calculations to improve performance.

var optimizedQuery = _context.Orders
    .Where(o => o.TotalAmount > 1000)
    .Select(o => new { o.OrderId, o.TotalAmount })

This example provides tips for optimizing LINQ queries in EF Core.

17. Debugging LINQ Queries

Debugging LINQ queries involves understanding the generated SQL and using tools to analyze query performance and diagnose issues.

var query = _context.Products.Where(p => p.Price > 100);

This example demonstrates techniques for debugging LINQ queries in EF Core.

18. Handling Concurrency with LINQ Queries

Handling concurrency in LINQ queries involves using techniques such as optimistic concurrency control and handling concurrency exceptions.

var order = _context.Orders.Find(1);
order.TotalAmount += 100;

This example shows how to handle concurrency issues with LINQ queries in EF Core.

19. Advanced LINQ Query Techniques

Advanced LINQ techniques include using expressions, building dynamic queries, and leveraging advanced C# features to create complex queries.

Expression<Func<Product, bool>> priceFilter = p => p.Price > 100;
var filteredProducts = _context.Products.Where(priceFilter).ToList();

This example explores advanced techniques for writing LINQ queries in EF Core.

20. Best Practices for LINQ Queries

Following best practices for LINQ queries can help ensure efficient and maintainable code. Consider the following guidelines:


LINQ queries in EF Core provide a powerful and flexible way to query and manipulate data using C# syntax. By understanding how to write efficient LINQ queries and leveraging the latest features in EF Core 8, developers can build robust and performant applications that effectively interact with relational databases.