CSS Outline Offset

The outline-offset property allows you to control the space between the outline and the border of the element. It creates a gap or an offset around the outline, giving it some breathing space from the element's borders.

The syntax for the outline-offset property is as follows:

            selector {
    outline-offset: length;
Try yourself
            button {
    outline: 2px solid red;
    outline-offset: 5px; /* Adds a 5-pixel gap between the outline and the element's border */

In the above example, the button element will have a solid red outline with a width of 2 pixels, and the outline will be 5 pixels offset from the element's border, creating a gap between the outline and the content inside the button.

Keep in mind that the outline-offset property does not affect the size or layout of the element. It only changes the spacing between the outline and the border. Also, the outline-offset property does not work in Internet Explorer and some older browsers, so be mindful of browser compatibility if you plan to use it.