CSS Text Decoration

In CSS, the text-decoration property is used to add decorative styles to text, such as underlines, overlines, line-throughs, and more. The text-decoration property can take one or more values to apply different text decorations. Here are the possible values for the text-decoration property:


The text-decoration property is a shorthand property that allows you to set multiple text decoration values in one declaration. It includes the text-decoration-line, text-decoration-color, text-decoration-style, and text-decoration-thickness properties. It provides a convenient way to specify various aspects of text decoration in a single line of code.

Here's an example of using the text-decoration property:

Try yourself
            a {
   text-decoration: underline;

p {
   text-decoration: line-through;

In this example, the text-decoration property is used to add an underline to all anchor (<a>) elements and a line-through to all paragraph (<p>) elements.

Additionally, you can combine multiple text decorations if needed. For example:

Try yourself
            h1 {
    text-decoration: underline overline;

In this case, the h1 element will have both an underline and an overline applied to the text.

The text-decoration property can also be used to specify the color, style, and thickness of the decorative lines. For example, to add a red, dashed underline to text, you would use the following code:

Try yourself
            h1 {
    text-decoration: underline dashed red;

Individual Text Decoration Properties

Try yourself
            h1 {
  text-decoration-line: underline;
  text-decoration-color: blue;
  text-decoration-style: dashed;
  text-decoration-thickness: 2px;

p {
  text-decoration-line: line-through;
  text-decoration-color: red;
  text-decoration-style: double;
  text-decoration-thickness: 3px;

a {
  text-decoration-line: overline;
  text-decoration-color: green;
  text-decoration-style: dotted;
  text-decoration-thickness: 1px;