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Cherry-picking in Git allows you to selectively apply changes from one commit into your current working branch. This tutorial will guide you through the process of cherry-picking commits, including how to handle conflicts and when to use this technique.

1. What is Cherry-Picking?

Cherry-picking is a technique in Git for applying the changes introduced by some commits from one branch onto another branch. Unlike merging or rebasing the entire branch, cherry-picking allows for selective commit integration.

2. Typical Use Cases

Understand when and why you might want to use cherry-picking over other Git strategies. Common use cases include quickly applying bug fixes or feature additions without integrating a branch's full history.

3. Finding a Commit to Cherry-Pick

Learn how to identify and select the correct commit hash that you intend to cherry-pick. This usually involves using `git log` or other Git browsing tools to find the commit hash.

4. How to Cherry-Pick a Commit

A step-by-step guide on applying a cherry-pick:

            git cherry-pick <commit_hash>

5. Handling Conflicts during Cherry-Picking

Conflicts may occur during the cherry-pick operation. This section explains how to resolve these conflicts manually.

6. Aborting a Cherry-Pick

If you encounter too many conflicts or decide against the cherry-pick, learn how to safely abort the operation.

            git cherry-pick --abort

7. Cherry-Picking Multiple Commits

Instructions on how to cherry-pick multiple commits, including tips on maintaining order and dealing with potential conflicts across multiple changes.

8. Advanced Cherry-Picking Techniques

Explore advanced scenarios like cherry-picking from a range of commits or using scripting to automate cherry-picking tasks.

9. Best Practices for Cherry-Picking

Discuss the best practices to ensure effective use of cherry-picking, such as limiting its use to specific scenarios and considerations for avoiding common pitfalls.

10. Conclusion

Summarize the key points covered in the tutorial and reinforce the strategic value of understanding and using cherry-picking correctly within your Git workflow.