Git -

Writing Good Commit Messages


Writing good commit messages is a crucial part of using Git effectively. Clear and descriptive commit messages help your team understand the changes made and the reasons behind them. This tutorial covers best practices for writing good commit messages, providing guidelines and examples to improve your commit history.

1. Why Good Commit Messages Matter

Good commit messages provide context and clarity, making it easier to understand the project's history. They facilitate collaboration, code reviews, and debugging by clearly describing the changes and their purpose.

Note: Well-written commit messages can save time and reduce misunderstandings within your team.

2. Structure of a Good Commit Message

A good commit message typically consists of three parts:

3. Writing Clear Subject Lines

The subject line should be concise and to the point, summarizing the change in 50 characters or less. Use the imperative mood and capitalize the first word.

            # Example of a clear subject line:
# Good: "Fix user authentication bug"
# Bad: "Bug fix"

This example demonstrates how to write clear subject lines for commit messages.

4. Providing Detailed Explanations

The body of the commit message should provide a detailed explanation of the change, including the reasons behind it and its impact. Use bullet points or paragraphs to organize the information clearly.

            # Example of a detailed explanation:
# Subject: "Add user authentication"
# Body: "This commit adds user authentication to the application. It includes:
# - Login functionality
# - Registration functionality
# - Password encryption
# These changes enhance the security of the application and allow users to create and manage accounts."

This example shows how to provide detailed explanations in commit messages.

5. Including References

The footer of the commit message can include references to related issues, tickets, or other relevant information. This helps maintain a clear connection between the commit and external references.

            # Example of including references:
# Subject: "Fix issue with user login"
# Body: "This commit fixes the issue where users were unable to log in due to a missing session variable."
# Footer: "Closes #123"

This example demonstrates how to include references in commit messages.

6. Using Templates for Consistency

Using commit message templates can help maintain consistency and ensure that all necessary information is included. Git allows you to configure a commit message template file.

            # Example of using commit message templates:
# Create a template file (e.g., .gitmessage.txt) with the following content:
# Subject: (50 characters or less)
# Body: (detailed explanation)
# Footer: (references)
# Configure Git to use the template:
git config --global commit.template ~/.gitmessage.txt

This example shows how to use commit message templates in Git.

7. Reviewing Commit Messages

Before finalizing a commit, review the commit message to ensure it is clear, concise, and informative. This helps maintain a high standard of commit messages in your repository.

            # Example of reviewing commit messages:
# Before committing, review the commit message to ensure it is clear and informative.
# Use the `git commit --verbose` command to see the changes being committed along with the commit message.

This example demonstrates how to review commit messages before finalizing a commit.

8. Best Practices for Writing Good Commit Messages

Follow these best practices to write good commit messages:


Writing good commit messages is an essential skill for any developer using Git. By following the guidelines and best practices outlined in this tutorial, you can improve the quality of your commit messages and contribute to a more organized and understandable project history.