Git -

Merge Strategies


Merging in Git is a fundamental operation that integrates changes from different branches into a single branch. Various merge strategies can be used to handle different merging scenarios, ensuring a smooth and conflict-free integration process. This tutorial covers the different Git merge strategies, their use cases, and best practices.

1. What is Merging?

Merging in Git combines the changes from different branches into one branch. It is essential for integrating features, bug fixes, and other contributions from multiple developers.

Note: Effective merging practices help maintain a clean project history and facilitate collaboration.

2. Fast-Forward Merge

A fast-forward merge occurs when the target branch can be updated to match the source branch without creating a merge commit. This happens when there have been no changes in the target branch since it diverged from the source branch.

            # Example of a fast-forward merge:
# Ensure you are on the target branch (e.g., main):
git checkout main
# Perform the fast-forward merge:
git merge feature-branch

This example demonstrates how to perform a fast-forward merge.

3. Three-Way Merge

A three-way merge is used when there have been changes in both branches since they diverged. Git creates a new merge commit that combines the changes from both branches.

            # Example of a three-way merge:
# Ensure you are on the target branch (e.g., main):
git checkout main
# Perform the three-way merge:
git merge feature-branch

This example shows how to perform a three-way merge in Git.

4. Squash Merge

A squash merge combines all the changes from the source branch into a single commit before merging it into the target branch. This helps keep the commit history clean and concise.

            # Example of a squash merge:
# Ensure you are on the target branch (e.g., main):
git checkout main
# Perform the squash merge:
git merge --squash feature-branch
# Commit the squashed changes:
git commit -m "Squash merge feature-branch into main"

This example demonstrates how to perform a squash merge in Git.

5. Recursive Merge

The recursive merge strategy is the default strategy used by Git for most merges. It handles most merge scenarios by combining changes from both branches and resolving conflicts.

            # Example of a recursive merge:
# Ensure you are on the target branch (e.g., main):
git checkout main
# Perform the recursive merge:
git merge feature-branch

This example shows how to use the recursive merge strategy in Git.

6. Octopus Merge

The octopus merge strategy is used for merging more than two branches simultaneously. It is often used in automated processes where multiple feature branches are integrated into the main branch.

            # Example of an octopus merge:
# Ensure you are on the target branch (e.g., main):
git checkout main
# Perform the octopus merge with multiple branches:
git merge branch1 branch2 branch3

This example demonstrates how to perform an octopus merge in Git.

7. Ours Merge

The ours merge strategy favors the current branch's changes over the incoming changes. It is useful for scenarios where you want to discard the changes from the other branch.

            # Example of an ours merge:
# Ensure you are on the target branch (e.g., main):
git checkout main
# Perform the ours merge:
git merge -s ours feature-branch

This example shows how to use the ours merge strategy in Git.

8. Subtree Merge

The subtree merge strategy is used for merging subprojects or repositories into a main repository. It preserves the history of the subproject within the main repository.

            # Example of a subtree merge:
# Add the subtree repository as a remote:
git remote add subtree-repo <repository_url>
# Fetch the changes from the subtree repository:
git fetch subtree-repo
# Merge the subtree into the main repository:
git merge -s subtree --allow-unrelated-histories subtree-repo/main

This example demonstrates how to perform a subtree merge in Git.

9. Resolving Merge Conflicts

Merge conflicts occur when changes in different branches cannot be automatically reconciled. Understanding how to resolve merge conflicts is crucial for successful merges.

            # Resolving merge conflicts:
# When a merge conflict occurs, Git will mark the conflicting areas in the affected files.
# Open the file and look for the conflict markers (<<<<<<<, =======, >>>>>>>).
# Edit the file to resolve the conflicts, then save and close the file.
# Stage the resolved file:
git add <file_name>
# Continue the merge process:
git commit

This example shows how to resolve merge conflicts in Git.

10. Best Practices for Merging

Follow these best practices to ensure smooth and efficient merging in Git:


Understanding and implementing the right merge strategies is essential for successful collaboration and code management in Git. By following the strategies and best practices outlined in this tutorial, you can ensure smooth merges, maintain a clean project history, and enhance your team's productivity.