Git -

Tools and Extensions


Git's capabilities can be significantly enhanced with various tools and extensions. These tools help streamline workflows, improve productivity, and add additional functionalities. This tutorial covers some of the most popular Git tools and extensions, their features, and how to use them effectively.

1. Git GUI Clients

Git GUI clients provide a graphical interface to interact with Git, making it easier for users to manage repositories, track changes, and perform Git operations.

            # Example of popular Git GUI clients:
# GitKraken, SourceTree, Git Extensions, GitHub Desktop

This example demonstrates popular Git GUI clients and their usage.

2. GitKraken

GitKraken is a popular Git GUI client that provides an intuitive interface, powerful features, and seamless integration with GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket.

            # Example of using GitKraken:
# Download and install GitKraken from
# Open GitKraken and clone your repository
# Use the intuitive interface to manage branches, commits, and merges

This example shows how to use GitKraken for managing Git repositories.

3. SourceTree

SourceTree is a free Git client for Windows and macOS that simplifies how you interact with your Git repositories.

            # Example of using SourceTree:
# Download and install SourceTree from
# Open SourceTree and clone your repository
# Use the graphical interface to perform Git operations

This example demonstrates how to use SourceTree for Git operations.

4. Git Extensions

Git Extensions is a standalone UI tool for managing Git repositories, providing a comprehensive interface to perform Git operations.

            # Example of using Git Extensions:
# Download and install Git Extensions from
# Open Git Extensions and clone your repository
# Use the comprehensive UI to manage your Git repository

This example shows how to use Git Extensions for various Git tasks.

5. GitLens

GitLens is a powerful extension for Visual Studio Code that enhances Git capabilities, providing insights into code authorship, history, and more.

            # Example of using GitLens in Visual Studio Code:
# Install the GitLens extension from the Visual Studio Code marketplace
# Open your repository in Visual Studio Code
# Use GitLens to view code authorship, history, and more

This example demonstrates how to use GitLens in Visual Studio Code.

6. GitHub Desktop

GitHub Desktop is a seamless way to contribute to projects on GitHub and GitHub Enterprise, providing a user-friendly interface.

            # Example of using GitHub Desktop:
# Download and install GitHub Desktop from
# Open GitHub Desktop and clone your repository
# Use the user-friendly interface to manage your GitHub repositories

This example shows how to use GitHub Desktop for managing repositories on GitHub.

7. Git Aliases

Git aliases can save you time by creating shortcuts for frequently used commands. They can be configured in your Git configuration file.

            # Example of creating Git aliases:
# Create an alias for the git status command:
git config --global status
# Create an alias for the git log command with pretty formatting:
git config --global alias.lg "log --oneline --graph --decorate --all"

This example demonstrates how to create and use Git aliases.

8. Git Hooks

Git hooks are custom scripts that run at different points in the Git workflow, allowing you to automate tasks such as code linting, testing, and deployment.

            # Example of setting up Git hooks:
# Create a pre-commit hook to run tests before committing:
echo '#!/bin/sh
npm test' > .git/hooks/pre-commit
# Make the hook executable:
chmod +x .git/hooks/pre-commit

This example shows how to set up and use Git hooks.

9. Git LFS (Large File Storage)

Git LFS is an extension for managing large files in Git repositories, storing binary files outside the main repository and tracking them using pointers.

            # Example of using Git LFS:
# Install Git LFS:
git lfs install
# Track a file type with Git LFS:
git lfs track "*.psd"
# Add and commit the large files as usual:
git add .gitattributes
git add file.psd
git commit -m "Add large file with Git LFS"
# Push the changes:
git push origin main

This example demonstrates how to use Git LFS to manage large files.

10. Git Bisect

Git bisect is a powerful tool for debugging by performing a binary search to find the commit that introduced a bug.

            # Example of using Git bisect:
# Start bisecting to find the commit that introduced a bug:
git bisect start
# Mark the current commit as bad:
git bisect bad
# Mark an older commit as good:
git bisect good <commit_hash>
# Git will checkout a commit in the middle; test it and mark it as good or bad:
git bisect good/bad
# Repeat until Git identifies the first bad commit
# Reset bisect:
git bisect reset

This example shows how to use Git bisect to identify buggy commits.

11. Git Worktrees

Git worktrees allow you to work on multiple branches simultaneously by checking out branches into separate working directories.

            # Example of using Git worktrees:
# Create a new worktree for a branch:
git worktree add ../path/to/new/worktree branch-name
# List all worktrees:
git worktree list
# Remove a worktree:
git worktree remove ../path/to/new/worktree

This example demonstrates how to use Git worktrees.

12. Best Practices for Using Git Tools and Extensions

Follow these best practices to make the most of Git tools and extensions:


Git tools and extensions are invaluable for enhancing your Git workflow and productivity. By understanding and using the tools and best practices outlined in this tutorial, you can streamline your development process and make the most of Git's powerful capabilities.