Git -

Pull Requests


Pull requests are a fundamental part of collaborative development using Git. They allow developers to notify team members about changes they've made to a repository. This tutorial covers the basics of creating, reviewing, and managing pull requests, with detailed explanations and best practices.

1. What is a Pull Request?

A pull request is a way to propose changes to a repository. When you create a pull request, you're asking the repository maintainers to review and potentially merge your changes into the main codebase. Pull requests are commonly used in platforms like GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket.

Note: Pull requests facilitate code review and discussion, helping maintain code quality and collaboration.

2. Creating a Pull Request

To create a pull request, first push your changes to a branch in your repository. Then, go to the repository on your hosting platform and create a pull request.

            # Create a pull request on GitHub:
1. Push your changes to a branch in your repository.
2. Navigate to your repository on GitHub.
3. Click the "Pull requests" tab.
4. Click the "New pull request" button.
5. Select the branch you want to merge into the main repository.
6. Click the "Create pull request" button and provide a description of your changes.

This example demonstrates how to create a pull request on GitHub.

3. Reviewing a Pull Request

Reviewing a pull request involves examining the proposed changes, commenting on the code, and suggesting improvements. This helps ensure code quality and consistency.

            # Review a pull request on GitHub:
1. Navigate to the pull request you want to review.
2. Click the "Files changed" tab to view the changes.
3. Leave comments on specific lines of code by clicking the "+" button next to the line.
4. Approve or request changes by clicking the "Review changes" button.

This example shows how to review a pull request on GitHub.

4. Merging a Pull Request

After a pull request has been reviewed and approved, it can be merged into the main codebase. This can be done through the repository hosting platform's interface.

            # Merge a pull request on GitHub:
1. Navigate to the pull request you want to merge.
2. Ensure all checks have passed and the pull request has been approved.
3. Click the "Merge pull request" button.
4. Confirm the merge by clicking the "Confirm merge" button.

This example demonstrates how to merge a pull request on GitHub.

5. Closing a Pull Request

If a pull request is not needed or the changes are no longer relevant, it can be closed without merging. This helps keep the repository clean and organized.

            # Close a pull request on GitHub:
1. Navigate to the pull request you want to close.
2. Click the "Close pull request" button.
3. Provide a reason for closing the pull request, if necessary.

This example shows how to close a pull request on GitHub.

6. Pull Request Templates

Pull request templates provide a structured format for submitting pull requests. They ensure that all necessary information is included and help maintain consistency.

            # Create a pull request template on GitHub:
1. In your repository, create a new file at `.github/`.
2. Add your template content to this file. For example:

## Description

Please include a summary of the changes and the related issue. Please also include relevant motivation and context.

## Type of Change

- [ ] Bug fix
- [ ] New feature
- [ ] Breaking change
- [ ] Documentation update

## Checklist

- [ ] My code follows the style guidelines of this project
- [ ] I have performed a self-review of my code
- [ ] I have commented my code, particularly in hard-to-understand areas
- [ ] I have made corresponding changes to the documentation
- [ ] My changes generate no new warnings
- [ ] I have added tests that prove my fix is effective or that my feature works
- [ ] New and existing unit tests pass locally with my changes


This example demonstrates how to create a pull request template on GitHub.

7. Resolving Conflicts in a Pull Request

Conflicts can arise when multiple pull requests modify the same parts of the codebase. Resolving these conflicts is essential for a smooth merge process.

            # Resolve conflicts in your pull request:
git fetch upstream
git merge upstream/main
# Resolve any conflicts in your code editor.
git add <resolved_file>
git commit

This example shows how to resolve conflicts in a pull request.

8. Pull Request Best Practices

Follow these best practices to ensure efficient and effective use of pull requests:


Pull requests are a powerful tool for collaborative development, enabling code review, discussion, and merging of changes. By understanding how to create, review, and manage pull requests, you can contribute effectively to projects and ensure high code quality. This tutorial covered the basics of pull requests, with detailed explanations and examples to help you master this essential skill.